The Cutting of the Cross (Part Three)

Reading Time: 5 minutes The Sex of the Recipient This is now the third and final installment of my examination of the covenant sign of circumcision and what Gospel light might be found in it. In the first post, I wrote about how the location of the sign on the body spoke of both…

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The Cutting of the Cross (Part Two)

Reading Time: 5 minutes Timing This is part two of a three-part series on the covenant sign of circumcision. I hope you can see that though these are very different types of articles for Everyday Emmaus, the connection lies in how Jesus interpreted the familiar passages of Scriptures to His disciples on that road…

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The Cutting of the Cross (Part One)

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction As faithful readers of this blog will know, its title is taken from that revelatory stroll our Savior took with two of His dejected disciples on the day of His resurrection. As they plodded their way to Emmaus, Jesus came upon them and spent the rest of that 7-mile…

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Walking Mirrors

Reading Time: 4 minutes At the end of each day of creation, our Creator pronounced His work “good;” culminating on the final day with “very good” after the creation of humans (Gen. 1:31). I think we have a tendency to read these words not as any kind of moral declaration but something along the…

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The Mingling of Matter & Metaphysics

Reading Time: 4 minutes I recently heard of a study that showed that Blue Collar workers today tend to be more conservative than White Collar workers. I say “today” because it hasn’t always been this way. (I have a theory about why this is, which I’ll share later) It has been suggested that the…

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Completing a Glorious Circuit

Reading Time: 4 minutes Her flow of blood was twelve years old. Sometime around the birth of Jairus’s daughter a disease that caused her to constantly bleed had come upon this nameless woman. But she was about to experience one of the most unique miracles of Jesus’s earthly ministry. I say unique because, on…

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This Lesson of the Lots

Reading Time: 4 minutes If I asked you to illustrate the concept of chance or randomness with a single image, an icon if you will, what would you choose? For me, the first thing that comes to mind is a pair of dice. Playing games with my children when they were younger, one of…

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A Thankless Education

Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m convinced that one of the greatest and long-lasting blessings of the Covid-19 era will be all of the children who exited our government schools. Google the phrase “Mass Exodus from public schools” and you will find numerous stories detailing some 1 million families who have permanently left their community…

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What Seeds Have to Say

Reading Time: 4 minutes Watermelons have always been synonymous with summer for me. As far back as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed the delightful sweetness of this fruit at picnics or munching those grainy red cubes while basking bare-chested beside a swimming pool or lake. My father used to place them in a net…

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The Patriarchy of Pollen & The Virgin Birth

Reading Time: 5 minutes I have been following a YouTube channel for a while now that focuses on refuting the Calvinist perspective in each episode. The host of these videos, Leighton Flowers, seems to be a very kind man and produces these videos with very little acrimony towards those with whom he disagrees. He…

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