A Common Incarnation

Reading Time: 3 minutes ‘Tis the season! It’s the season for many things. Increasingly, it is the season of heightened materialism and over-commercialization. But for Christians, it is the pre-eminent time of the year we remember the first advent of our Lord. We recall in songs and hymns His birth in a manger, His…

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“Et tu, Bruté?”

Reading Time: 4 minutes He was late for his meeting with the Senate. His wife’s troubling dreams through the night had detained him to the point of tardiness. Perhaps it was the light of the full March moon that had kept her awake and prompted her imagination to run wild. Perhaps it was something…

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Of Magic, Mystery, and Miracles

Reading Time: 3 minutes “Hocus Pocus”, “Abracadabra”, “Shazam”, and “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!” Even a cursory scan of the top-grossing movies of recent years would reveal that we have a fascination with all things magical, mysterious and supernatural. Why is this? Some would attribute this inclination to an insidious plot of our ancient foe, but I think…

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The Preponderance of the Perpendicular

Reading Time: 4 minutes Look around you now, wherever you are. Take notice of the straight, vertical lines all around you. Have you ever noticed them before – the legs on the table, the straight line of the corners in your room, the lines in the tile, the sides of a picture frame? They’re…

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A Ghastly Beauty

Reading Time: 4 minutes Step outside on a clear evening and ponder with me for a moment that faithful witness of the night, the moon. I have often been struck by the fact that when I read the words of some ancient writer, musing over our nearest celestial neighbor, or see some piece of…

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