A Ghastly Beauty

Reading Time: 4 minutes Step outside on a clear evening and ponder with me for a moment that faithful witness of the night, the moon. I have often been struck by the fact that when I read the words of some ancient writer, musing over our nearest celestial neighbor, or see some piece of…

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The Thrill of Synchrony

Reading Time: 3 minutes I sat spellbound as did everyone else in the audience that night. The lights went out and almost all we could see were about two dozen white-gloved hands, seemingly suspended in the air above the stage before us, each holding a drum stick. We were watching an exhibition of military…

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A Mighty Condescension

Reading Time: 4 minutes Eleven to fourteen million people visit Niagara Falls every year, and they come from all over the world. I would venture to guess that people from almost every nation have made the trip to those stoney shores just to stare at them. They take pictures of this colossal dumping of…

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The Eschatology of Meat

Reading Time: 4 minutes I watched with that strange mixture of fascination and disgust, as the nature documentary showed footage of a cheetah stalking, chasing, and taking down a young antelope. It’s hard not to marvel at the speed and agility of these mighty cats of the African plains.  But there was also that…

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