The Cutting of the Cross (Part One)

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction As faithful readers of this blog will know, its title is taken from that revelatory stroll our Savior took with two of His dejected disciples on the day of His resurrection. As they plodded their way to Emmaus, Jesus came upon them and spent the rest of that 7-mile…

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The Patriarchy of Pollen & The Virgin Birth

Reading Time: 5 minutes I have been following a YouTube channel for a while now that focuses on refuting the Calvinist perspective in each episode. The host of these videos, Leighton Flowers, seems to be a very kind man and produces these videos with very little acrimony towards those with whom he disagrees. He…

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The Point of Sand and Stars

Reading Time: 3 minutes “There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth’s beaches,” wrote the famed astronomer Carl Sagan. And reading his words, we see that strange pairing of sand and stars, commonly found in Scripture as well. Why are these two seemingly disparate objects so often joined together…

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