What Seeds Have to Say

Reading Time: 4 minutes Watermelons have always been synonymous with summer for me. As far back as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed the delightful sweetness of this fruit at picnics or munching those grainy red cubes while basking bare-chested beside a swimming pool or lake. My father used to place them in a net…

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The Patriarchy of Pollen & The Virgin Birth

Reading Time: 5 minutes I have been following a YouTube channel for a while now that focuses on refuting the Calvinist perspective in each episode. The host of these videos, Leighton Flowers, seems to be a very kind man and produces these videos with very little acrimony towards those with whom he disagrees. He…

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The Masculinity of Redemption

Reading Time: 4 minutes Men of my generation will recall an ad, found in the back of most comic books when we were young. It featured the standard comic book format of a story told in successive cartoon panels. The opening scene was of a scrawny man having sand kicked in his face by…

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