Walking Mirrors

Reading Time: 4 minutes At the end of each day of creation, our Creator pronounced His work “good;” culminating on the final day with “very good” after the creation of humans (Gen. 1:31). I think we have a tendency to read these words not as any kind of moral declaration but something along the…

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The Mingling of Matter & Metaphysics

Reading Time: 4 minutes I recently heard of a study that showed that Blue Collar workers today tend to be more conservative than White Collar workers. I say “today” because it hasn’t always been this way. (I have a theory about why this is, which I’ll share later) It has been suggested that the…

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Leaving the Deadly Loop

Reading Time: 5 minutes In a recent online discussion I was having, the idea of “God is love” came up, with the intention of showing that a particular doctrine I was holding could not be true, because “God is love.” I’m thankful for conversations like these because they cause me to dig into what…

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The Regurgitation of a Nation

Reading Time: 4 minutes Of all the ways one can suffer from passing sicknesses, like colds and flu with their stuffy noses, headaches, and sore throats, I think none is so awful as a stomach virus. Its fury is usually brief, but the rage with which it refuses to allow anything to stay in…

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The Dividing of the Light

Reading Time: 4 minutes I would like to use an interesting little phenomenon of light as a springboard illustration for my larger point in this post. I have noticed this aspect of light for many years now, but it just dawned on me recently that it is typical of the sort of things I’m…

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An Immutable Image

Reading Time: 3 minutes “We blossom and flourish as leaves on a tree, and wither and perish, but naught changes Thee.” This line, from one of my favorite hymns, Immortal, Invisible, beautifully contrasts the nature of mankind with the attribute of God theologians refer to as Immutability or the quality of unchangeableness. All of…

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Where Love Lives

Reading Time: 3 minutes Which is more important, love, or truth? Well, in a very real sense there can be no division, for God is eternally both truth and love. But forgetting this reality, we are apt to pick sides between the two, and thinking that love must be the kinder of the pair,…

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The Original, Returning

Reading Time: 3 minutes When my children were very small we lived on a farm. It had an old blue farmhouse that overlooked a lovely pond teeming with snapping turtles, fish, and croaking bullfrogs. Winding around the corner of this pond was an old dirt road that the farmer’s noisy tractors would rumble down…

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