Walking Mirrors

Reading Time: 4 minutes At the end of each day of creation, our Creator pronounced His work “good;” culminating on the final day with “very good” after the creation of humans (Gen. 1:31). I think we have a tendency to read these words not as any kind of moral declaration but something along the…

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The Dividing of the Light

Reading Time: 4 minutes I would like to use an interesting little phenomenon of light as a springboard illustration for my larger point in this post. I have noticed this aspect of light for many years now, but it just dawned on me recently that it is typical of the sort of things I’m…

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What Bubbles Have to Say

Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you ever tried to draw a circle? Aside from learning to walk, this may be one of the earliest frustrations a child experiences. We start off fine, but somewhere around that simple arc our crayon veers a little in one direction, and our circle becomes some misshapen blob, slightly…

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