A Thankless Education

Reading Time: 3 minutes I’m convinced that one of the greatest and long-lasting blessings of the Covid-19 era will be all of the children who exited our government schools. Google the phrase “Mass Exodus from public schools” and you will find numerous stories detailing some 1 million families who have permanently left their community…

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A Certain Expectation

Reading Time: 4 minutes Several months ago I wrote a blog post on bravery entitled An Immaterial Breeze. In it, I mentioned Paul’s trio of things that remain – Faith, Hope, and Love. I remember thinking at the time that Faith and Love have received their fair share of consideration over the years, but…

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The Dividing of the Light

Reading Time: 4 minutes I would like to use an interesting little phenomenon of light as a springboard illustration for my larger point in this post. I have noticed this aspect of light for many years now, but it just dawned on me recently that it is typical of the sort of things I’m…

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