The End of Eyes and Ears

Reading Time: 4 minutes Of our five senses, the ability to see and hear must be the King and Queen of them all. The loss of any one of our senses would be a tragedy, for sure, but the loss of either sight or hearing would be an entirely different misery. These two connect…

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The Songs of Nihilists

Reading Time: 4 minutes This blog is primarily focused on drawing your attention to the numerous ways our God reveals Himself in the things of creation. But the more you increase in noticing these testimonies, the more glaring will become man’s pitiful attempt to suppress that witness. In other words, the more you develop…

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Taste and See

Reading Time: 4 minutes In 1994 the FDA affixed its first “Nutrition Facts” panel to American food containers. You know, those little charts on our food packages, showing the nutritional content and percentages of each official serving size. The largest number in these charts is calories, with a font several sizes bigger than all…

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The Bound of the Sea

Reading Time: 4 minutes I stumbled down the sandy wooden steps, laden with beach chairs, an umbrella, and other items suited for a day of sand and sun. I had come early, hoping to find that coveted location not too far from the entrance, but not too close to scores of other people. But…

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Talking To Ourselves

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you ever talk to yourself? This is a rhetorical question because I already know the answer. Everyone talks to themselves at some point. You know, the casual mumblings as you look for a lost item, or perhaps the mental continuation of an argument you just had with someone, only…

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The Dividing of the Light

Reading Time: 4 minutes I would like to use an interesting little phenomenon of light as a springboard illustration for my larger point in this post. I have noticed this aspect of light for many years now, but it just dawned on me recently that it is typical of the sort of things I’m…

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The Masculinity of Redemption

Reading Time: 4 minutes Men of my generation will recall an ad, found in the back of most comic books when we were young. It featured the standard comic book format of a story told in successive cartoon panels. The opening scene was of a scrawny man having sand kicked in his face by…

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The Beacon of Beauty

Reading Time: 4 minutes One of my granddaughters sat on my lap during the sermon at church recently. Her mother had brought along a bag of coloring books to keep her occupied while our pastor preached. As she pulled out one of the selections, we both studied its cover. It was an entire book…

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A Lovely Devastation

Reading Time: 4 minutes My wife and I recently returned from a trip out west. I finally got to fulfill a life-long dream of visiting the Grand Canyon. I had wanted to go there ever since I watched Mike Brady take his Bunch there in 1971. I’m sure I was watching re-runs, but still,…

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The Height of Horror

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was a kid, it always struck me how slow scary things moved in horror movies. Frankenstein’s Monster, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Mummies, and countless others, all seemed to be dragging along, while their hapless victims scurried away. The sluggish creature was never more than a few…

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