The Dividing of the Light

Reading Time: 4 minutes I would like to use an interesting little phenomenon of light as a springboard illustration for my larger point in this post. I have noticed this aspect of light for many years now, but it just dawned on me recently that it is typical of the sort of things I’m…

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The Masculinity of Redemption

Reading Time: 4 minutes Men of my generation will recall an ad, found in the back of most comic books when we were young. It featured the standard comic book format of a story told in successive cartoon panels. The opening scene was of a scrawny man having sand kicked in his face by…

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The Beacon of Beauty

Reading Time: 4 minutes One of my granddaughters sat on my lap during the sermon at church recently. Her mother had brought along a bag of coloring books to keep her occupied while our pastor preached. As she pulled out one of the selections, we both studied its cover. It was an entire book…

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A Lovely Devastation

Reading Time: 4 minutes My wife and I recently returned from a trip out west. I finally got to fulfill a life-long dream of visiting the Grand Canyon. I had wanted to go there ever since I watched Mike Brady take his Bunch there in 1971. I’m sure I was watching re-runs, but still,…

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The Height of Horror

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was a kid, it always struck me how slow scary things moved in horror movies. Frankenstein’s Monster, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Mummies, and countless others, all seemed to be dragging along, while their hapless victims scurried away. The sluggish creature was never more than a few…

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What Bubbles Have to Say

Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you ever tried to draw a circle? Aside from learning to walk, this may be one of the earliest frustrations a child experiences. We start off fine, but somewhere around that simple arc our crayon veers a little in one direction, and our circle becomes some misshapen blob, slightly…

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The Narrowness of Numbers

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was in school, I hated math. I despised how cruel and unforgiving it seemed. A misplaced decimal, a forgotten carry-over digit, a wrongly executed operation, and you were done for! No room for creative expression, no place for a personal perspective. It was what it was and success…

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Harnesses for our Hearts

Reading Time: 4 minutes Singing songs is a uniquely human activity. Yes, I know we say that birds sing as well, but not having vocal cords and lacking anything resembling words, what they do is distinctly different from the songs we sing. And because we are made in the image of God, anytime you…

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An Inverse Indicator

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever dropped a piece of food at a picnic, only to look down a few moments later to find that morsel covered with a colony of ants? Do you remember what it looked like, how that frenzied mass of bugs had a form remarkably similar to the piece…

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The Point of Sand and Stars

Reading Time: 3 minutes “There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth’s beaches,” wrote the famed astronomer Carl Sagan. And reading his words, we see that strange pairing of sand and stars, commonly found in Scripture as well. Why are these two seemingly disparate objects so often joined together…

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